Broadcast: News items

Management professor reflects on the future of work

Work magazine cover

An interview with Katie Bailey, Professor of Management, has been published in a quarterly journal for senior human resources professionals as part of a feature on the future of work.

With an introduction by Will Self, and contributions from a range of high-profile executives and managers including Jose Mourinho, the article in Work. magazine discusses different views of the impact of technological innovation on the world of work. 

While Will Self reflects on human nature and the need to be productively meaningful, Professor Bailey elucidates the idea of meaningful work and how employers and technology could help to enhance meaning for people in the work that they do. 

Professor Bailey said: "Employers can make a difference, making staff more engaged and motivated by showing people how their role fits into the bigger picture. Technology could enhance meaning at work, making it easier for us to interact with more people."

Professor Bailey has investigated the drivers and outcomes of employee engagement. Recent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has resulted in a number of recommendations, which have been published by the NHS in a series of engagement guides and a toolkit on enhancing and embedding staff engagement. 

Furthermore, a major report ''Employee Engagement: An evidence synthesis', documenting the research conducted and findings, has now been published in the Health Services and Delivery Research journal.


By: Charlotte Humma
Last updated: Thursday, 2 July 2015
