Broadcast: News items

Sussex Energy Group's Summer Newsletter

Welcome to the second SEG newsletter in 2015.

SEG has had a busy spring as you will see from all the activities reported on in this newsletter.

Gordon MacKerron and Florian KernOur MSc students have now completed their course work and are starting their dissertation research, most of our PhD students have completed their annual review process, a large group of CIED researchers went to France for the eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency and we have been busy preparing for two big conferences that SPRU is hosting this summer: the international sustainability transitions conference and the Tyndall assembly.

The recruitment process for a new long-term SEG Director and Professor of Energy Policy is complete and we are looking forward to being able to announce the excellent new appointment over the next few weeks. 

We wish everyone a lovely summer and hope to see many of you at one of our events soon.


By: Nancy Carter
Last updated: Tuesday, 7 July 2015
