Speed meetings with the Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales (ICAEW)
On Thursday 6 November, the School of Business, Management and Economics co-hosted an evening of speed-networking meetings with the Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales (ICAEW).
Our undergraduate finalists were given the opportunity to find out more about training as a Chartered Accountant in a presentation by ICAEW and then had a number of speed meetings with employers. Some students were nervous at first, but soon found their stride and impressed the visiting employers.
An informal networking session followed the meetings and enabled everyone to follow up the speed sessions with further questions. We hope that this event will lead to some positive employment news for the students.
Dr Yong Yang
Senior Lecturer in Strategy wins two 'best paper' awards
Dr Yong Yang (Senior Lecturer in Strategy, Department of Business and Management) has won the Douglas Nigh Award - his second Best Paper Award of the year - at the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, USA, 1-5 August 2014.
The paper, titled Foreign Subsidiary Location Strategy and Financial Performance: A Global Value Chain Perspective, was co-authored by Dr Yang with Dr Deeksha Singh (Rutgers University). The Douglas Nigh Award commends the 'best division paper that employs an interdisciplinary perspective... authored by junior scholars'. Read more about the award on the AOM website.
Dr Yang's success at the AOM Meeting follows his first award win of the year at the Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada, June 2014, for a paper also co-authored with Dr Singh along with Dr Ajai Gaur (Rutgers).
Staff engagement in the NHS
NHS managers gathered at the University of Sussex to discuss the findings of an Evidence Synthesis on employee engagement. Led by Prof Katie Truss, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)-funded project has involved partners from the Institute for Employment Studies, Tilburg University and the University of Warwick in a nine-month investigation into the drivers and outcomes of employee engagement.
Speakers at the event included Steve Trenchard, Chief Executive of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Steven Weeks, Policy Manager at NHS Employers, Dilys Robinson from the IES and Hendrika Santer Bream, Change and OD Manager, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.
The conference follows on from an earlier workshop for NHS policymakers held at NHS Employers offices in London and a series of podcasts that are currently being recorded to raise awareness of the evidence base for engagement strategies. A set of guidelines and toolkits for NHS managers are also being developed based on the study and will be available on the NHS Employers website in a few weeks' time. The Evidence Synthesis report is due to be published by the NIHR later this year.
Dare to Dream: Lessons for sports, business, and life with Colin Jackson 9 October 2013
World champion hurdler Colin Jackson visited BMEc on 9 October to deliver the inaugural lecture in the LEAD lecture series to showcase excellence in leadership. Colin inspired the audience to "Dare to Dream" with tales of successes, and setbacks, from his illustrious athletics career. He shared his lessons on how to strive for excellence through hard work, learning from others, having a great support team and aiming high.
Colin warned us against resting on our laurels after achieving a goal. As he advised the then up-and-coming Usain Bolt, setting new, stretching goals is the key to sustained performance. His lessons are valuable not only for sporting achievement but also in business and life in general. Don’t miss the second lecture from the LEAD series on Wednesday 23 October when entrepreneur, Frederic Nze, will talk about his journey to setting up a bank to serve underprivileged communities in the UK.
Prof Ian Davidson
Prof Ian Davidson wins Abacus Manuscript Award
Professor Ian Davidson, Professor in Business and Management and Head of the School of Business, Management and Economics, is the joint winner of the 2012 Abacus Manuscript Award.
His paper - The Construction of Asset Pricing Models With Specific Factor Loadings (co-authored with Qian Guo, Xiaojing Song and Mark Tippett) - was chosen by an expert panel of accounting academics and practitioners.
Ian will receive the award, funded by the owner of Abacus, the Accounting Foundation, at the American Accounting Association Conference which takes place 3-7 August 2013 in Anaheim, California, USA.
European International Business Academy (EIBA) conference, 7-9 December 2012
Professor Roger Strange was President and co-chair of the 38th annual European International Business Academy (EIBA) conference, held in 2012 in the Jubilee Building from 7-9 December.
The theme of the conference was 'International Business and Sustainable Development' and featured an outstanding programme, with two plenary sessions closely linked to the conference theme. The opening plenary featured John Humphrey and Hubert Schmitz (Institute for Development Studies) on the topic of the 'Global Green Economy: a Value Chain Perspective', whilst the Sunday plenary will feature Martin Wolf (Financial Times) on the 'Limits to Growth in the 21st Century'. The conference ended in style on Sunday 9 December with a Gala Dinner in the Empress Suite of the Grand Hotel in Brighton.
- Further information can be found on the EIBA 2012 website
Paper presentation at renowned management conference
Dr Monica Masucci (Tutorial Fellow) presented a paper at the 32nd Strategic Management Society annual conference in Prague, titled “Uncovering the Determinants of Initiative Survival in Corporate Venture Units: A Multistage Selection Perspective”, co-authored with S. Brusoni (ETH Zurich) and J.C.Hayton (Warwick).
- Further information can be found on the conference website
2012 Sussex Teaching Award for Tutorial Fellow
Chris Stratford receiving his Sussex Teaching Award
Congratulations to Chris Stratford (Tutorial Fellow and module convenor for Global Business, Strategic Management and Business Strategy Report) who has been recognised at the annual Sussex Teaching Awards with a Teaching Excellence award (Established Staff category), in particular for his exemplary lecture slides and interactive teaching methods.
Previous Sussex Teaching Award winners in Business and Management include:
- Teaching Excellence (Established Staff): Veronica Wong
- Teaching Excellence (Entrepreneurship Team): Piera Morlacchi, Sally Atkinson, Victoria Blessing, Shova Thapa Karki and David Storey
- Teaching Excellence (Team award): John Bateman, David Green, Emmet Hayes and Richard Sykes
- Further information can be found on the Sussex Teaching Awards site.
Senior Lecturer gives Edinburgh seminar on healthcare technologies
Dr Piera Morlacchi (Senior Lecturer in Business and Innovation) visited the ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics (Innogen) at the University of Edinburgh to give a talk about her research on the development and use of healthcare technologies.
The title of the seminar was “Are ‘Appropriate Health Technologies 3.0' the Cure for Our Sick Healthcare Systems?”.