Business and Management


Online marketing challenges in today's world: MSc students receive guest lecture from SEO expert

Mariza Tseka giving a guest lecture to MSc International Marketing students

Students on the MSc in International Marketing were treated to guest lecture by an SEO expert from an award-winning digital marketing agency.

Mariza Tseka, who works as a Digital and Public Relations Executive at twentysix, revealed to students on the MSc's Marketing Research module how a digital marketing agency works, with particular focus on the use of SEO, social media and market research in identifying new trends in the industry and the future of the sector. 

One of twentysix’s most successful projects with a particularly high profile client - NHS Blood and Transplant - was presented as a case study. Mariza explained how the agency built an integrated creative campaign to make the project a success, combining marketing research, online marketing techniques, SEO, PR and social media.

The lecture was followed by a Q&A session, with students raising a number of pertinent questions about online marketing and participating in a creative ideas session with Mariza.

Mariza has worked in various marketing departments and creative agencies, building up her knowledge and expertise in SEO and online marketing. Her current work at twentysix sees her using these skills to develop and improve SEO rankings and increasing the online presence and exposure of the agency’s clients.

By: Russell Eke
Last updated: Monday, 24 November 2014
