Business and Management is a young, dynamic and growing department. The Department promotes an active and inter-disciplinary research environment which fosters collaborative research within the university and externally.
Our faculty are organised into three subject areas. Beyond these subject areas, the department also has six research groups, many of which cut across the traditional subjects and involve faculty beyond the department. All provide dedicated research and consultancy services in relation to the area of expertise.
Subject Areas
Research Groups
Submitting to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) for the very first time in 2014, the Department of Business and Management (B&M), together with the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), were highly placed for the overall quality of our research, being ranked 26th out of the 101 submissions to the Business and Management Studies panel, when the breadth and depth of research across all staff is taken into account according to the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Together with the Department of Economics, B&M and SPRU form the School of Business, Management and Economics (BMEc) at Sussex.
Visiting Fellowships
For information on how to become a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Business and Management, please see Visiting Fellowships.