We focus on providing rigorous, relevant and evidence-based insights to today’s most pressing management questions and we aim to be at the forefront of these debates. Our research focuses on the behaviour of individuals, groups and teams, organisations as well as inter-organisational topics. Research questions are as diverse as:
- How do we tackle gender and race discrimination?
- How can we motivate individuals and nurturing leaders?
- What could be done to promote environmental sustainability across supply chains networks?
- Why do gaps in employee engagement, voice and skills prove to be detrimental for organisational performance?
- How does technology interplay with knowledge and what are the implications for organizational change?
The Management and Organisation subject group prides itself in its world-class faculty whose research furthers the understanding of management theory and practice. We produce theoretical and empirical research that is disseminated in leading academic journals, at conferences, and in other publication outlets. Our members have attracted research grants from a range of well-known UK and international funders such as the ESRC, EPSRC, The Wellcome Trust, NIHR, CIPD and industry.
We disseminate our findings beyond academia to wider audiences including practitioners and professionals in industry, associations, chartered institutes, decision-making bodies and public policy organisations.
The subject group’s work is organised into four areas (click on the title for more information):
- Employment Studies and Human Resource Management
Research Students
- Aparna Venkatesan
- Alia Noor Roowala
- Entesar Alqurashi
The members of this area have won research grants from several sources including the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), industry, and the British Academy. They hold Editorial positions in journals such as Human Resource Management Journal and Work, Employment & Society. Recent work appeared in leading journals such as Human Resource Management, Work Employment & Society, the International Journal of HRM, Gender Work and Organization and the European Journal of Industrial Relations.
Key areas of interest in this cluster include:
- Strategic Human Resource Management and employee engagement
- Skills and employment in the retail sector
- The impact of the financial crisis on employment relations and practices
- Women in company boards and diversity
- The nature of meaningful work
- Information Systems and Management of Technology
The members of this area have attracted research grants from several organizations such as the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and The Wellcome Trust. They hold Editorial positions in journals such as Management Information Systems Quarterly and BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Recent work appeared in leading journals such as: MIS Quarterly, Organization Studies, Social Science and Medicine, Journal of the Association of Information Systems, Research Policy and Scientometrics.
Key areas of interest in this cluster include:
- Innovation, knowledge and organisational networking
- Biomedical technology and innovation
- Information and Communications Technology organisational change in healthcare
- University-industry links and knowledge transfer
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
Research Students
- Syed Tahir Abbas
- Mariana Pinho de Almeida
- Royston Morgan
The members of this area have attracted funding from public organizations such as the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology and industry. They hold Associate Editor or Board Member positions in journals such as Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences Journal and International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Recent work appeared in leading journals such as the British Journal of Management, the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, the International Journal of Production Economics and Journal of Business Ethics.
Key areas of interest in this cluster include:
- Procurement process and sustainability in supply chains
- Modular practices and principles in the manufacturing sector
- Lean thinking and process improvement in public sector and healthcare
- Organisational Psychology and Behaviour
The work of members in this area has featured in prominent media outlets including: The Wall Street Journal, BBC, Financial Times and CNN. They hold Board Member positions in journals such as Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin and Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Recent work appeared in leading journals such as Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Human Resource Management, British Journal of Psychology and the Journal of Career Assessment.
Members of this group are active in the Centre for Leadership, Ethics and Diversity (LEAD), directed by Prof Robert Livingston.
Key areas of interest in this cluster include:
- Leadership, authority and legitimacy
- Self/identity, attitudes and values and risk perception
- Intergroup relations and diversity management
- Social influence tactics, political skill, and career advancement
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* Image: Michael Heiss