Department of Business and Management

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Sussex MBA application form

Guidance notes

Please make sure that have read and understood the guidance notes before completing and submitting your application:

*Denotes a required field

Section A: Personal details


Have you previously studied at the University of Sussex?*

Do you need a student visa to study in the UK?*

If yes, please complete the sections below; if no, please continue to Section B

Section B: Relevant experience

Please give details of any professional and relevant experience or employment, starting with the most recent (include vacation work if relevant). Give details also of any experience or training in advanced study or research, including publications and practical experience. 

If you wish to include a CV, please attach one in an email to after you have submitted your application, ensuring that you clearly state your name and the date on which your application was submitted. 

Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

Section C: Education and qualifications

All students with non-UK qualifications must submit both:

  • their original transcript (with an explanation of the grading system), and;
  • a certified transcript (in English) of their academic record.

Please note: If you have studied outside the UK, you must, where appropriate, provide a transcript translated into English via email to after you have submitted your application, ensuring that you clearly state your name and the date on which your application was submitted. 

Institution 1

Institution 2

Institution 3

Section D: References

Please note that the University requires references in order to consider your application; please, therefore, state the names, titles and contact details of your two referees below.

Referee 1

Referee 2

Section E: Finance

Before you register with the University you must ensure you have adequate financial provision to cover your tuition fees and other related expenses.

Are you being sponsored by your employer?*

If yes, please give the name and contact details of where the invoice should be sent.

(Please note; you should include an invoice request/purchase order from your sponsor via email to after you have submitted your application, ensuring that you clearly state your name and the date on which your application was submitted. Failure to do so will result in your application being delayed.)

Section F: Personal statement*

All MBA applicants: Please write a personal statement explaining your reasons for applying and a description of your major interests.

Please include any other relevant information that may support your application or details of circumstances that may have affected your education to date and that you wish us to take into consideration.

Section G: Monitoring form*

Disability, special needs and medical conditions

The University aims to create an environment which enables all students to participate fully in university life. To help us make any reasonable adjustments which may be necessary, please tick the box below to indicate your specific needs. If you indicate that you have a disability, special needs or a medical condition, this information will be passed on to the Student Support Unit who may contact you for further details. Please note that consideration of how we can meet any special needs is separate to the assessment of your academic suitability.

Ethnic origin codes

Please note that the information requested will be used for statistical purposes only, to enable the University to monitor its equal opportunity practices. The University’s equal opportunities policy is to ensure that all applications are treated equally regardless of race, sex or disability etc. Please tick the box below corresponding to the category that you consider best describes your ethnic origin. Please note that ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship.

White British or White

Asian British or Asian

Black British or Black


Criminal convictions

You are required to declare any criminal convictions for offences against the person, whether of a violent or sexual nature, and convictions for offences involving unlawfully supplying controlled drugs or substances where the conviction concerns commercial drug dealing or trafficking. You do not need to reveal convictions that are spent (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974). If you indicate a conviction we may contact you for more information. If you are convicted of a criminal offence after you have applied you are required to inform the University accordingly. Please note that consideration of criminal convictions is separate to the assessment of your academic suitability

Section H: How did you first hear about the University of Sussex?*

Please tick all relevant boxes:

Section I: Which of the following did you use to find out more about the University of Sussex?*

Please tick all relevant sections:

Final check for applicants*

Please tick all relevant boxes


I confirm that the information provided on this application is true, accurate and complete.